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Looking to create ads directly for your audiobooks? Now you can with BookBub and Chirp.
Finally, we can create ads for audiobooks! Here's the news. Here's a walkthrough of how to actually create an ad in BookBub.

Ch. 17: Introduction to Audacity
When I first opened the Audacity program I have to admit I was intimidated.

Oops, wrong microphone. Not the right input? Didn't notice until the next day? Take 2!
Ah, the beauty of digital audio. Do that one over. [ ]

"What actor would play the leading role in your book?" And other tips for "enhancing the performance" of your audiobook with Ben Fife.
"Ooh, I know who my main character would be! It's absolutely ________________________." Benjamin Fife is an author and narrator and shares some tips for...

Oops, found mistakes in your audiobook after you already uploaded to Findaway Voices?
Just use the little plus sign. It'll all be OK. You can watch the video version of me in the forest (so exciting, I...

Ch. 16: Narrate It Yourself
Gone are the days when a publisher could take out an ad, count on a few reviews, and have an author do a couple...