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Spring Has Sprung: Who needs fake nature background sounds when we can record in the wild?
Maybe I just lived in the city too long but I can't get enough of the birds. "You'd think I live in the bird...

When is atmosphere and authenticity more important than bad audio quality?
Maybe it's a personal preference but I'm into the atmosphere. [ ]

DIY or Go Pro?
I want to write my own stuff, and, you know, it would be nice to put myself in it. But I would like to...

Looking to build some authority? Can you ask this question: "Hey, would you like to be a guest on my podcast?"
If you have a podcast, you have some, well, power, authority, credibility. Just like if you have a book, you instantly have some leverage...

There's a certain deep sense of joy I feel when I narrate my own book.
I suppose it's partly because I'm proud of my words but there's a part of me that hearing the words spoken, listening to the...

Ch. 14: Audiobooks | Fiction
"When I write fiction, I never try to deliver a message; I just want to tell a story. But I admit that I want...